The Garden Guide

Book: Colour schemes for the flower garden
Chapter: Chapter 13 Climbing plants

Ipomoea rubrocoerulea

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There is no lovelier or purer blue than that of the newly opened Ipomea rubro-coerulea, popularly known as Heavenly Blue and well deserving the name. It must be raised in heat early in the year and be put out in June against a warm wall. Here it is in a narrow border at the foot of a wall facing south-west, where, by the aid of a few short pea-sticks, it climbs into the lower branches of a Vine. The Vine is one of the Chasselas kind, with leaves of a rather pale green, almost yellowish-green colouring that makes the best possible foil to the pure blue of the Ipomea. To my eye it is the most enjoyable colour-feast of the year. Solanum crispum, with purple flowers in goodly bunches, is one of the best of wall shrubs.