Russia's oldest botanic garden was founded by Peter the Great in 1706 to grow medicinal plants. "Aptekarsky" means "apothecary" in Russian. The garden has belonged to Moscow State University since 1805.
Founded by Peter the Great in 1706 as a kitchen garden (ogorod) for growing medicinal plants.
Since 1805, it has belonged to the Moscow State University as part of the Biology Faculty. There is another (now - principal) territory of the Botanic Garden of Moscow University on Vorobiovy Gory (Sparrow Hills) near the main campus of the University (not open to general public).
A number of old trees, some of which are the oldest specimens of their taxa in Moscow.
A Shadow (Woodland) Garden with over 150 species of shade-tolerant herbaceous perennials.
A collection of hardy ericaceous plants including many Rhododendrons - the Heather Hill.
Pergola with climbers, including some unusual Far-Eastern species.
Collections of ferns, Syringa, Philadelphus and tree peonies.
Historic glasshouses (the oldest standing part dates back to 1891) with several climatic sections and regional collections.
In the Palm House, there are some centuries-old palms and a cycad thought to be over 200 years old (reputedly, it was given to the garden in early XIX century by heirs of Count Razoumovsky from his extensive private living plant collections).
26 Prospekt Mira, Moscow, Russia, 129090
Year round, from 10am. Closing time varies due to the length of day (untill 5pm in winter and up to 11pm in June). The garden is closed for two-three weeks in April for the period of thaw and spring clean-up (depends on weather but usually untill mid-April). The garden can be closed without prior notice in stormy weather or extreme frost). Please phone or visit the website if in doubts.
Full ticket - 100 rubles. Concessions - 50 rubles (school children, full-time students, pensioners of Russian Federation - upon production of a sertificate. Evening ticket (from 6pm untill closing) - 150 rubles (no concessions). Free entry - students and staff of Moscow University, children of under-school age, WWII veterans, visitors in wheelchairs (accompanied by one adult).