Oliver and Isabel Stine named her home after one of her favorite places in Japan, Fuji-Hakone National Park. She employed Tsunematsu Shintani (1877-1921) to design her 'Moon Viewing' House and garden designer Naoharu Aihara (1870-1941), from a family of Imperial gardeners in Koyobashi, Tokyo, to design her garden. It has a master stone, a worshipping stone, a guest Isle, a stroll garden with lanterns. The garden was purchased by the City of Saratoga in 1966 and restored by Tanso Ishihara a Kyoto garden designer. Hakone Gardens therefore have a degree of authenticity not often enjoyed by Japanese gardens outside Japan. See Gardenvisit Timeline of Japanese garden history.
Hakone Gardens, 21000 Big Basin Way, Saratoga, California, USA, CA 95070
All year. See Hakone Gardens website for details:-